
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1998


T. J. Grant, Fisher, K. E., Krishnan, N., Mullins, A. N., Hellmich, R. L., Sappington, T. W., Adelman, J. S., Coats, J. R., Hartzler, R. G., Pleasants, J. M., and Bradbury, S. P., “Monarch Butterfly Ecology, Behavior, and Vulnerabilities in North Central United States Agricultural Landscapes”, BioScience, 2022. 

K. E. Fisher and Bradbury, S. P., “Plant abandonment behavior and fitness of monarch larvae (Danaus plexippus) is not influenced by an intraspecific competitor”, Journal of Insect Conservation, 2022.


T. J. Grant, Krishnan, N., and Bradbury, S. P., “Conservation risks and benefits of establishing monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) breeding habitat in close proximity to maize and soybean fields in the North Central U.S.: A landscape‐scale analysis of foliar insecticide impacts on non‐migratory..”, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2021.

K. E. Fisher and Bradbury, S. P., “Estimating perceptual range of female monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) to potted vegetative common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) and blooming nectar resources.”, Environmental Entomology, 2021.

M. J. Hall, Krishnan, N., Coats, J. R., and Bradbury, S. P., “Estimating screening-level risks of insecticide exposure to lepidopteran species of conservation concern in agroecosystems”, in Crop Protection Products for Sustainable Agriculture , Washington D.C.: American Chemical Society Symposium Series #1390. Rauzan, B.M. and Lorsbach, B.A. (Eds.), American Chemical Society, 2021, pp. 137-180.

N. Krishnan, Hall, M. J., Hellmich, R. L., Coats, J. R., and Bradbury, S. P., “Evaluating toxicity of Varroa mite (Varroa destructor)-active dsRNA to monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) larvae”, PLOS ONE, 2021.

A. Janke, Tyndall, J. C., and Bradbury, S. P., “Financial analysis of converting rural lawns to pollinator habitat in the U.S. Corn Belt”, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 2021.

K. E. Fisher and Bradbury, S. P., “Influence of habitat quality and resource density on breeding-season female monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) movement and space use in north-central USA agroecosystem landscapes”, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021.

N. Krishnan, Zhang, Y., Aust, M. E., Hellmich, R. L., Coats, J. R., and Bradbury, S. P., “Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) life cycle risks from foliar and seed-treatment insecticides”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2021.

N. Krishnan, Jurenka, R. A., and Bradbury, S. P., “Neonicotinoids can cause arrested pupal ecdysis in Lepidoptera”, Scientific Reports, 2021.

A. N. Mullins, Bradbury, S. P., Sappington, T. W., and Adelman, J. S., “Oviposition Response of Monarch Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) to Imidacloprid-Treated Milkweed”, Environmental Entomology, 2021.

M. J. Hall, Zhang, G., O'Neal, M. E., Bradbury, S. P., and Coats, J. R., “Quantifying neonicotinoid insecticide residues in milkweed and other forbs sampled from prairie strips established in maize and soybean fields”, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021.


N. Krishnan, “Assessing Field‐Scale Risks of Foliar Insecticide Applications to Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Larvae”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2020.

K. E. Fisher, “Employing Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio Telemetry to Recreate Monarch Butterfly Flight Paths”, Environmental Entomology, 2020.

K. E. Fisher, “Estimates of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) utilization by monarch larvae (Danaus plexippus) and the significance of larval movement”, Journal of Insect Conservation, 2020.

T. G. Grant, “Estimating arthropod survival probability from field counts: A case study with monarch butterflies.”, Ecosphere, 2020.

O. R. Taylor, Jr., Pleasants, J. M., Grundel, R., Pecoraro, S. D., Lovett, J. P., and Ryan, A., “Evaluating the Migration Mortality Hypothesis Using Monarch Tagging Data”, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2020. Download PDF

K. Elizabeth Fisher and Dixon, P. M., “Locating large insects using automated VHF radio telemetry with a multi-antennae array”, Methods of Ecology and Evolution, 2020. Download PDF

K. Ozcan, “Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) plant detection using mobile cameras”, Ecosphere, 2020.

M. J. Hall, “Optimization of QuEChERS Method for Simultaneous Determination of Neonicotinoid Residues in Pollinator Forage”, Molecules, 2020.


A. D. Kaul and Wisley, B. J., “Monarch butterfly host plant (milkweed Asclepias spp.) abundance varies by habitat type across 98 prairies”, Restoration Ecology, vol. 27, no. 6, 2019. Download PDF

T. G. Grant, “The role of modeling in monarch butterfly research and conservation”, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2019.


S. E. Lizotte-Hall, “Effect of postemergence fomesafen application on common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) growth and utilization by monarchs (Danaus plexippus)”, Crop Protection, vol. 116, pp. 121-125, 2018.

V. M. Pocius, “Monarch butterflies do not place all of their eggs in one basket: oviposition on nine Midwestern milkweed species”, Ecosphere, vol. 9, no. 1, 2018.

V. M. Pocius, “Monarch Butterflies Show Differential Utilization of Nine Midwestern Milkweed Species”, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2018.

T. J. Grant, “Predicting monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) movement and egg-laying with a spatially-explicit agent-based model: The role of monarch perceptual range and spatial memory”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 374, 2018.


V. M. Pocius, “Milkweed Matters: Monarch Butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Survival and Development on Nine Midwestern Milkweed Species”, Environmental Entomology , 2017. Download PDF

M. L. Hladik, “Neonicotinoid insecticide removal by prairie strips in row-cropped watersheds with historical seed coating use”, 2017.

V. M. Pocius, “Performance of early instar monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus L.) on nine milkweed species native to Iowa”, Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society , vol. 71, no. 3, 2017.


M. Berenbaum, “Road Worrier”, American Entomologist, vol. 61, pp. 5-8, 2015.

D. T. T. Flockhart, Pichancourt, J. - B., Norris, D. R., and Martin, T. G., “Unravelling the annual cycle in a migratory animal: breeding-season habitat loss drives population declines of monarch butterflies.”, J. Animal Ecology, vol. 84, pp. 155-165, 2015.


K. A. Gill, Cox, R., and O'Neal, M. E., “Quality Over Quantity: Buffer Strips can be Improved with Select Native Plant Species.”, Environmental Entomology, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 298-311, 2014.


T. T. Heidel-Baker, O'Neal, M. E., Batzer, J. C., and Gleason, M. L., “Attracting Beneficial Insects to Iowa Agricultural Crops through Floral Provisioning.”, Iowa State University, Ames, 2076, 2013.

K. A. Gill, “Development of best-practices for conserving beneficial insects within Iowa's agricultural landscape.”, Iowa State University, Ames, 2013.

S. M. Hirsh, Mabry, C. M., Schulte, L. A., and Liebman, M. Z., “Diversifying agricultural catchments by incorporating tallgrass prairie buffer strips.”, Ecological Restoration, vol. 31, pp. 201-211, 2013.

L. M. Martin, “Mechanisms altering exotic-native proportions in plant communities, and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems.”, Iowa State University, Ames, 2013.

P. J.M. and K.S., O., “Milkweed loss in agricultural fields because of herbicide use: effect on the monarch butterfly population”, Insect Conservation and Diversity, vol. 6, pp. 135-144, 2013.


S. T.L., “Spatially explicit land-use and land-cover scenarios for the Great Plains of the United States”, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, vol. 153, pp. 1-15, 2012.

H. Asbjornsen, Hernandez-Santana, V., Liebman, M. Z., Bayala, J., Chen, J., Helmers, M. J., Ong, C. K., and Schulte, L. A., “Targeting perennial vegetation in agricultural landscapes for enhancing ecosystem services.”, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. 29, pp. 101-125, 2012.

Z. E.F., “Tracking climate impacts on the migratory monarch butterfly.”, Global Change Biology, vol. 18, pp. 3039-3049, 2012.

R. A. Moranz, Debinski, D. M., McGranahan, D. A., Engle, D. M., and Miller, J. R., “Untangling the effects of fire, grazing, and land-use legacies on grassland butterfly communities.”, Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 2719-2746, 2012.


D. M. Debinski, Moranz, R. A., Delaney, J. T., Miller, J. R., Engle, D. M., Winkler, L. B., McGranahan, D. A., Barney, R. J., Trager, J. C., Stephenson, A. L., and Gillespie, M. K., “A cross-taxonomic comparison of insect responses to grassland management and land-use legacies.”, Ecosphere, vol. 2, no. 12, 2011.

L. M. Martin and Wilsey, B. J., “Improving Prairie Restorations”, 131, 2011.

B. J. Wilsey, Huang, Y., and Martin, L. M., “Species Diversity is a Good Predictor of Prairie Plant Persistence in Restorations.”, 129, 2011.


M. P. Zaluki and Lammers, J. H., “Dispersal and egg shortfall in Monarch butterflies: what happens when the matrix is cleaned up?”, Ecological Entomol., vol. 35, pp. 84-91, 2010.

K. A. Yurkonis, “Effects of fine-scale plant arrangement on grassland establishment.”, Iowa State University, Ames, 2010. Download PDF

L. M. Martin and Wilsey, B. J., “Native Cover Crops and Timing of Planting: Three Years of Establishment”, 292, 2010.

R. G. Hartzler, “Reduction in common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) occurrence in Iowa cropland from 1999 to 2009.”, Crop Production, vol. 29, pp. 1542-1544, 2010.


E. Lindsey, Mehta, M., Dhulipala, V., Oberhauser, K., and Altizer, S., “Crowding and disease: effects of host density on response to infection in a butterfly-parasite interaction”, Ecological Entomology, vol. 34, pp. 551-561, 2009.


K. A. Yurkonis, Wilsey, B. J., and Moloney, K. A., “The Effect of Plant Distribution on Diversity and Exotic Species Invasion in Prairie Restoration”, Iowa State University, Ames, 493, 2008.


B. J. Wilsey and Blong, A., “Native Cover Crops and Timing of Planting: Effects on Weed Invasion and Prairie Establishment.”, 815, 2007.


B. J. Wilsey and Blong, A., “Native Cover Crops: Effects on Weed Invasion and Prairie Establishment”, Iowa State University, Ames, 1173, 2005.

D. T. Ladner and Altizer, S., “Oviposition preference and larval performance of North American monarch butterflies on four Asclepias species”, Entom. Exp. Appl., vol. 116, pp. 9-20, 2005.

B. J. Wilsey and Losure, D., “Plant Species Effects on Diversity and Weed Invasion Resistance in Restored Grasslands”, Iowa State University, Ames, 1174, 2005.


P. L. Anderson, “Field distribution and effects of Bt-expressing corn anthers on survival, development, and behavior of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus (L)”, Iowa State University, Ames, 2004.

B. J. Wilsey and Blong, A., “Native Cover Crops: Germination and First-Season Cover and Biomass”, Iowa State University, Ames, 1308, 2004.

B. J. Wilsey and Losure, D., “Plant Species Effects on Diversity and Weed Invasion Resistance in Restored Grasslands”, Iowa State University, Ames, 1299, 2004.


B. J. Wilsey, “Dominant Grass Effects on Diversity and Functioning of Restored Grassland”, Iowa State University, Ames, 1428, 2003.


L. Ries and Debinski, D. M., “Butterfly responses to habitat edges in the highly fragmented prairies of Central Iowa”, J. Animal Ecology, vol. 70, pp. 840-852, 2001.

K. S. Oberhauser, Prysby, M. D., Mattila, H. R., Stanley-Horn, D. E., Sears, M. K., Dively, G., Olson, E., Pleasants, J. M., Lam, W. F., and Hellmich, R. L., “Temporal and spatial overlap between monarch larvae and corn pollen”, PNAS, vol. 98, pp. 11913-11918, 2001.


R. G. Hartzler and Buhler, D. D., “Occurrence of common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) in cropland and adjacent areas.”, Crop Protection, vol. 19, pp. 363-366, 2000.


L. I. Wassenaar and Hobson, K. A., “Natal origins of migratory monarch butterflies at wintering colonies in Mexico: new isotopic evidence”, PNAS, vol. 95, pp. 15436-15439, 1998.