CRAWFORDSVILLE, Iowa – Iowa State University’s Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm will host its annual spring field day June 22. The event will provide information on a wide range of subjects, with ISU Extension and Outreach specialists leading demonstrations and discussions.
Registration for the field day begins at 12:30 p.m., with a tour of the farm and a crop update from farm superintendent Myron Reese starting at 1 p.m.
The field day will feature the following stops: dicamba injury plots hosted by Virgil Schmitt, extension field agronomist; managing seedling diseases in corn by Rebecca Vittetoe, extension field agronomist; and monarchs, pollinators and the farm: an unlikely friendship by Seth Appelgate, agricultural specialist in entomology at Iowa State.
Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits will be available for the afternoon tour. Those wishing to obtain additional CCA credits can come at 9 a.m. for a morning training session with a focus on soil and water management and pest management. Matt Helmers, professor and extension agricultural engineer with Iowa State, will provide an update on the progress and outlook of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Helmers will provide updated information on current successes and how to proceed for further reductions in nutrient loading to water sources. Anderson will also provide an update on Palmer amaranth and a discussion of identification and management of this problem weed.
The fee for the morning Certified Crop Advisors session is $50, which includes lunch. The afternoon tours are free and open to the public. Please register by June 16 for the morning CCA session and the noon lunch at, or by calling the ISU Extension and Outreach Johnson County office at 319-337-2145.
To reach the farm, follow U.S. Highway 218 one and three quarters miles south of Crawfordsville, then two miles east on county road G-62, then three quarters mile north. Signs will be posted to guide you to the event.
Field Day: Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm
June 12, 2017
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